Such an adaptation enables sharks to see even in low light and dark murky water up to 10 times greater than humans. Light is defused, acuity reduced and sensitivity increased. This provides for light to be detected a second time. Unlike humans are sharks' eyes equipped with a layer of mirrored crystals behind the retina. Individual sharks not only look very different, but they also seem to have different personalities too Sharks and rays belong to the class of fish with skeletons composed of cartilage, not bone. Learn more about sharks with the below faqs about these sharks: It also makes them the most feared creatures of the sea, to both sailors and sea inhabitants alike. They are powerful enough to launch their 2 -tonne bodies out of the water and are the ocean's apex predators which makes them therefore much less abundant than other large sharks. Great white sharks are the world's largest predatory fish, reaching up to 6 meters in length.